
4 Things That Can Embarrass You As A Tourist

Have you ever picked up a taxi on arrival to a new location only to find that you do not have the complete address to your exact destination or not enough cash on you to complete the fare?
Do you remember ever getting shunned by a local for asking certain questions they felt was “inappropriate”? At some point in our visits to new lands and destinations, we have found ourselves caught in awkward social situations that leave you blushing for days., Africa’s No. 1 hotel booking website sheds light on some of these embarrassing situations in the hope that travelers can work towards avoiding them in future.

Faking a horrible local accent
Most people try to blend in by faking the predominant accent in the area they are visiting. It could be a Nigerian trying to fake a British accent in the UK or as close to home as an Ibo man trying to mimic the Hausa accent while visiting Kano or Nassarawa. While most tourists tend to pull it off, most usually do not!  And this can lead to very embarrassing situations as some locals find it offensive seeing as a bashed up accent comes off as mockery. To avoid this, stick to your normal accent, and at best, learn a few local phrases but do not overdo it.

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Using the wrong hand gestures
Most tourists who find themselves in places where they are not fluent with the local dialect of the people usually resort to hand gestures when interacting with people they meet around. The thing though is that the interpretation of hand gestures tend to vary around the globe. Innocent hand gestures at home do not always mean the same abroad. For instance, while pointing when asking for directions is permissible in some location, it is seen as offensive in some areas as Benin City which is why it is important to refrain from using certain hand gestures unless you are sure it is accepted.

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Get drunk on local brews
drunk-womanWhile visiting new locales, it is always exciting to try new foods and taste homemade brews. Some tourists go further to ignore warning and sate their lust for adventure drinking strong local mixtures.  Often times however, these daring tourists find themselves running through the streets naked or doing other things that are bound to embarrass them exceedingly when they eventually come to. While travelling, it is important to seek advice from locals when trying local brews and also keep in mind that these local concoctions tend to be a lot stronger than the regular branded drinks.

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Get arrested for flaunting local laws
Different rules apply in different parts of the world and while visiting a new place, it is important to research and learn specific laws to avoid embarrassing situations. One of these embarrassing situations is getting arrested for something you consider ultimately right. For instance, throwing out trash on the street could be pardoned in some locations while it could lead to an arrest in other locations.
– Ndem Nkem