
Why I Dumped PDP – Ex-Gov. Segun Oni

Segun-OniEx-Governor of Ekiti State, Mr. Segun Oni has explained why he dumped the PDP like bad habit. He said the PDP has lost direction and it’s now more concerned about money and power. He added that the party is now promoting idiots that should not be in government in any sane society.

According to him, he’s too decent to remain in PDP that is now encouraging indecent people that are now flexing power anyhow in Nigeria today. He said President Jonathan doesn’t know the difference between stealing and corruption that is now the order of the day in his PDP government. He said the president said in public recently that what is going on is stealing and not corruption.

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That’s not all, the ex-governor blasted the president that he has not been able to complete one project for the past six years since he has been president of Nigeria and yet he wants a second term. He said, Former President Obasanjo completed the GSM that has changed the lives of Nigerians today.