
Erelu Bisi Fayemi Opens Up On Husband

… My Husband Has Repositioned Ekiti State To Enviable Height  

Erelu Bisi FayemiThe wife of Ekiti State Governor, Mrs. Bisi Fayemi said her husband has repositioned the state to an enviable height. She boldly declared that her husband would win the coming guber election in the state. Enjoy the excerpts…

Congratulations on the award given to you by City People Magazine at their Political Award. How do you feel?

In fact, all the good women of Ekiti State are very delighted on this award because the little we are contributing is noticed by a reputable organization like City People Magazine, so we thank the staff and management of the magazine. I also believe that this is a clarion call for more commitment in the area of service delivery to the people of Ekiti State and I will also say that this award came at the right time.   

You said it came at the right time, why?

Yes, it actually came at the right time. If you are conversant with the political calendar of Ekiti State, you will understand what I mean, people will say the government of Dr. Kayode Fayemi has done well; that is why such award was given to me. This award will serve as a booster to the chances of my husband in the forthcoming election.

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Award like this comes with challenges, can we say the good people of Ekiti State will get more from you?

Yes, by God’s grace, we are determined to face any challenge that comes our way, we have been doing it and we will continue to do it. On the part of the good women of the state, I am assuring all of them that all the services we render from the office of the first lady in Ekiti State will continue to be enjoyed even more this time around because the people, particularly the women have given their loyalty and support to the government of Dr. Kayode Fayemi, that is why most of the things we do are successful. So, more good packages are coming their way in our second term in office.

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Let’s talk about your husband’s second term ambition, has he really done enough to guarantee his chances?

Without any fear of contradiction, Dr. Kayode Fayemi has really repositioned Ekiti State for the better, he has been able to put Ekiti State back to where it was. Are we talking of physical developmental project or human development, go to all the rural and urban areas of Ekiti State, you will see the footprint of the administration of Dr. Kayode Fayemi’s developmental project. Ekiti is known for its educational capability because education is our major occupation. So, few years back, this phenomenon suffered a major setback but since my husband came on board, he has been able to reposition the educational sector; just to mention a few. So, this coming governorship election in Ekiti State is something different on his part because he has done what he is supposed to do as a governor, as the people are so happy with him and they have also spoken that they want Dr. Kayode Fayemi to continue with his good work, so his chances are bright. The electorates want him and with the support from God, Dr. Kayode Fayemi will win the election.

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We gathered that he has a very strong opposition, what is your office doing to give him full support?

Yes, we are working directly with the women and you know in Yoruba culture, the women own the house, so we have been able to mobilize ourselves in unity that Governor Kayode Fayemi is the man, also on opposition, in every election; there is always opposition but we believe nothing is too much for God to do.