
Delta Speaker Bags Accountability Award

Rt. Hon Monday IgbuyaThe contributions of the Delta State House of Assembly Speaker, Rt. Hon Monday Igbuya to the development of the state have caught the eyes of the Nigeria’s monthly transparency watch magazine, Accountability Review.
“This award is in recognition of your visionary leadership, commitment to due process in governance, efficient resources management, budget discipline and implementation” a letter dated January 18, 2016 said.
Signed by the Publisher/Editor-in Chief of Accountability Review, Dike Hopeson Dike, the magazine reeled out the achievements of the brilliant and charismatic Delta State Speaker, pointing to his commitment to accountability and transparency.
The magazine praised him for his dedication in the propagation of equity, fair play and justice in the Nigerian polity, especially in respect to true federation and the rule of law.
“We have carefully followed your exemplary success stories, kept a tap on your steadfastness and your leadership proficient and found you a shining example”
The magazine also acknowledged his contributions to the growth of democracy in Nigeria.
“You are a man of sterling qualities, endowed with rare intellectual prowess. Your courage, strength and character, doggedness, clear mindedness, discipline and fairness will always be a rich source of inspiration to other young leaders”
The letter reads in part: ‘The editorial team of Accountability Review, Nigeria’s monthly transparency watch magazine, establish with the mission to investigate, review and evaluate leadership and development process at the local, state and national levels, write to notify you of your nomination as the 2015 Accountability Review Magazine Speaker of the Year”