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Moji Obasanjo Still A Recluse

The whereabouts of Moji Obasanjo, the estranged wife of Gbenga Obasanjo, the first son of former President Olusegun Obasanjo, …

Abike Dabiri-Erewa’s Smart Moves

When Abike Dabiri-Erewa resolved not to go back to the House of Representatives, there were mixed reactions from different …

Ifeanyi Ubah Buys Gabros Club

Ifeanyi Ubah, Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer, Capital Oil and Gas Industries Limited. It will be recalled that Ubah, who …

Patricia Etteh Reads Law

Five years after serving as the first female speaker of the House of Representatives for a few months, Patricia …

Mullato pretty lady, Linda Mesrob years back as a much younger lady, like a few in her shoes was …

Jamil Abubakar Goes Missing

The immediate past Inspector General of the Police, Mohammed Abubakar, may have retired from his duty as a security …

Kafilat Ogbara Floats Prime News

Beautiful lady Kafilat Ogbara is one personality who appears to many in different ways. To some, she is a …

Peace Osigwe Regains Groove

The lady behind popular and prestigious, African Movie Academy Awards, Peace Anyiam Osigwe, due to her quiet personality and …

Muiz Banire Celebrates Mum At 87

Former Lagos State Commissioner and top politician, Dr. Muiz Banire, has made the dream of his mother come true. …

Segun Oniru Speaks On His Achievements

Prince Segun Oniru is the Honourable Commissioner for Waterfront and Infrastructure Development in Lagos State for the past 8years. …

Victor Ochei Attracts Attention

Going by his standing in the society as the former speaker of Delta State House of Assembly, it’s natural …