News, Society

Woman Gives Birth At 67

The family of Professor Samuel Olu Otunbusin in Abeokuta, Ogun State is in a joyous mood right now after waiting patiently for 39-years of childlessness.

Those in the know told us that Mrs. Otunbusin, 67-years went from one hospital to another both in Nigeria and India to ensure that she conceives. She and her husband consulted doctor after doctor, going through various tests and procedures but refused to give up.

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Eventually, their waiting and trusts on God have yielded result, as she delivered a bouncing baby boy at Atoke Medical Centre, Abeokuta.

Be that as it may, Mrs. Otunbushin, who could barely conceal her joy disclosed that; “God revealed to me 35 years ago about the birth of my son Oluwatobi.”

“This might be hard to believe but I am 67 years old and I have been married for over 39 years. I have done several IVFs both in India and in Nigeria that failed. At several points, I had said to myself: ‘So I will die without a child of my own?’”
“But I never gave up on God. I held on to the belief that at the appointed time, God would remember me. And my husband kept encouraging me. In 2018, I was directed to St. Ives Fertility Centre by the Holy Spirit. I started the procedure with joy and I ended it with joy from above.”