Business, News

UBA Set To Change The Face Of E-Banking

Pan African financial institution, United Bank for Africa (UBA), Plc is set to change the face of digital banking services with its new mobile banking app aimed at delivering first-rate services to customers.

The new UBA mobile banking app, has been armed with benefits and features designed to give its customers increased control and accessibility to carry out transactions with ease.

UBA’s Group Head, Digital Banking, Kayode Ishola said;

“The new UBA Mobile App is your personal finance manager built with a distinctive user interface that will change the face of banking. With this app, we are reimagining banking as our engagement has moved from being channel-based to being platform-based. The speed of the platform has been made to match the speed of light as we have cut down significantly on the number of processes expected to carry out your transactions.”

“Interestingly, we have worked towards creating behavioural insight for our customers and working around this to address the real needs of our customers using the Omnichannel platform and running on our open digital platform, which is very interactive and armed with lifestyle services. It is sleek and trendy with seamless user interface.”

Also, UBA’s Head, SME Banking, Sampson Aneke said;

“Apart from the fact that the app has been created with journey that has a high-level of intelligence – as it can work based on frequent transactions, it can also speak to the specific country where it is being used as the new mobile app runs concurrently in 20 countries of UBA’s operation interacting in the different languages and cultures in line with the specific needs and regulation of the country in focus.”

“This all-encompassing platform which boasts of a new user interface because of its sleek, modern nature of delivering seamless experience across several devices; can be used as a budgeting tool, loan application and also allows customers view their expenses according to their various categories such as the amount spent on data within a particular period.”

Furthermore, UBA’s Group Chief Information Officer, Onyebuchi Akosa said;

“The new app has also been built with the best-in-purchase security features and has been modelled appropriately to ensure that all the features are working properly to secure transactions maximally.”

“It is also important to mention that the bank took into consideration the virtually impaired, and thus has used voice recognition as a channel for transaction which suits both convenience and the visually impaired customers.”

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