
Sister Reveals Gen. Buhari’s Shocking Secrets

Hajiya Maryam Muniru YakubuHajiya Maryam Muniru Yakubu is a Kaduna based politician. A staunch member of the APC who has through her NGO, touched lives of many Nigerians is one of the strong moving forces of the party that dictates who wins what.

In this interview with Zainab Tanimu of Top Celebrities Magazine, this woman of multiple talents speaks on how she has through her NGO touched on the lives of many Nigerians as well as how well she has been able to fare in her political stride. The pretty and easy-going Maryam also opens up on some shocking secrets of her uncle, Gen. Muhamadu Buhari, the APC presidential candidate.


Tell us about yourself Ma?

I am a politician. I have been in politics since 2003 when my uncle also joined politics. The family had to join politics through my husband who is also a politician. He contested the senatorial seat in 2003 which he won but was denied. Presently, he is the running mate for the gubernatorial aspirant of Katsina state, Busari Aminu Busari.

I am a product of Kaduna polytechnic where l graduated in Catering Services, Community Development as well as Social Administration.

Do you engage in any other business aside politics?

Of course yes. My flare for cooking is the reason for my opening up a catering school which I combine with my politicking. It might also interest you to know that I also have an NGO, ‘Women Unity of Kaduna State’ (WOKA) mainly driven towards the upliftment of women.

As a politician, looking at our political scenario would you say Nigeria is getting it right this time around.

Yes. We are praying and by the grace of God, Insha Allah, Nigeria would get it right this time around.

The political temperature kind of gives a very keen contest between the two presidential candidates of the two major parties. The APC presidential candidate, Gen. Muhamadu Buhari (your uncle) and the incumbent president of the PDP, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan. Doesn’t that give you some worries?

Actually, Nigeria needs somebody that would come and do better. By the grace of God, my uncle would be the president to deliver Nigeria.

You seem so confident Ma, but your uncle Gen. Muhamadu Buhari was Nigeria Head of state during the military and now we are in a political era. What gives you the confidence that he would be able to perform if at the end he emerges the president in 2015?

It is something that is real. People know the capability of Gen. Muhamadu Buhari. He had been a head of state during the military regime, he has worked for Nigeria in different capacities, held so many appointments like being a one-time governor, North Eastern state, he was Nigerian Petroleum Minister, headed the Petroleum Task Force (PTF) project and lots of others which he had performed well. That is why you see people anxious and agitating for him to become the president. I bet you if he becomes the president, Nigerians would enjoy.

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Despite these qualities, some groups of Nigerians are still in doubt as to whether the general would be able to carry everybody along now that we are in a democratic government. Ma, you are more or less a daughter to him what is your reaction to this?

To me all these things people are saying is politics. Gen. Buhari does carry everybody along. Be it Christians or Muslims. Somebody who has worked for Nigeria, I don’t think there is any hidden agenda. Even during the military, he did his best and carried everybody along. Infact, as a family, we have that trust in him. The generality of Nigerians no doubt know what qualities he is made of. He has worked for Nigeria. He has suffered for the country, so there is no doubt as to his capability as a president.

You know people now assessed him from the military posture of his. Are there some hidden qualities under this military posture of his that we need to know?

Of course yes. It is his nature. Just forget that facial look you know when he was in the military, he acted as a military man and now that we are in a democracy, he would adjust. I want to tell you that he has a very simple mind, he is very understanding and he is the type who listens to people. He is a very honest person. You know one funny thing, even at home he sometimes forgets that he is no longer in the military and the moment we alert him that ‘oga, you are no longer in the military oo’ then he will laugh and adjust.

Could you in a nutshell enlighten us on the activities of your NGO and how it has impacted on the lives of the people?

Just as the name implies, the NGO has touched on the lives of women and by extension the homes because we have been able to empower many women by training them in such skills as making of pomade, liquid soap, etc. These are things that help to uplift their standard of living without them making request from their husbands. Our NGO marked its 10-years anniversary on the 14th of February, last year.

Any political aspirations, I mean have you at any time contested for an office and if you had, under which party?

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Honestly speaking, I have never looked for any political office in my life. The only thing is that we push candidates and support such persons and they win election. From gubernatorial to councilor level. I personally push candidates and anytime I push candidate, the candidate wins.

You must be a very staunch member of APC then for you to be able to facilitate such.

Of course yes. I have a very strong hold here in Kaduna. As far as Kaduna is concern, there is no candidate that I push that does not win.

How do you see the participation of women in politics, especially the northern woman? Would you say it is encouraging?

Yes it is very impressive because their level of participation has actually improved. One basic fact is that women are very key to winning elections. They play a very important role but the irony of the matter is that they suffer and work hard for the party but at the end of the day we are not the ones benefiting in the politics of Nigeria. More so, a woman sticks to her guns. She maintains her stand. If she takes a position, she sticks to it. She would never shift ground no matter what comes up later.

If they play such important role in ensuring victory of candidates, what then do you think is responsible for such non-challant attitude towards them?

I would say it is the pattern of politics being played in Nigeria. In Nigeria, they do not recognize women as important tool in politics whereas we play very important role.

You said northern women participation in politics is encouraging. Can you cite examples of such women who have contributed towards politics in Nigeria?

You see, women of those days made great contributions. The likes of late Gambo Sawaba, late Laila Dogonyaro and some others who really have made a mark.

Were you part of the train?

Oh No. I was not part of the train because I was young then. I did not start politics until when they finished theirs.

Okay, how would you compare their politics with yours, I mean the young generation?

Well, we are trying our best. Even now we have good ones. You know we are learning from them. They actually encouraged women to come out as politicians.

Would you say husbands are giving their wives necessary support politically?

The problem we have in the north is that they apply religion on the issue of politics. You know our religion does not allow us women to expose ourselves the way men do. This is why we are having problem.

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In essence, what you are saying is that women should not participate in politics?

No, women should participate. Our religion allows it. Some of these men you know take advantage of some of these rules Allah placed on women to deprive them of some opportunities. For instance, that which says a woman cannot be a leader. That is, Islamically cannot lead the men. This I would say is the main reason why the women are so backward in politics. If not for it, honestly speaking, we would have a woman president.

Ma, you said women are more trustworthy because they keep to their words but there is this worrisome situation of women not voting for their fellow women. What would you say is responsible for this and how can it be corrected?

It is really a challenging situation and it shouldn’t be so. Women are expected to vote for their fellow women. Gradually we would get there. We are trying to change this. Any woman that comes out to contest for any elective post women are supposed to support her so that she can win. We hope to see things working out better politically.

We have barely few days to 2015 election. Women, being custodians of our homes, (mothers) and by extension, the nation. What supposedly should be their role in making sure that our children especially don’t get involved in all manners of vices associated with politics?

To be honest, women are trying to reach their children by educating them on the dangers of violence. Letting them understand that these politicians who send them to participate in these acts, you would never see their children or their relatives participating in these demonstrations but they would give our children money to go and misbehave. These children burn down people’s houses and properties and sometimes kill. This is very wrong. Women are trying to ensure that this election is violent free by advising them to go to the polls and quietly cast their votes for candidates of their choice without any fight.

On a lighter note, what is your hobby?

(Laughs) My hobby… I love cooking. I love being in the kitchen cooking the best food for my husband and children and some people around me. I can cook for 24hrs in a day but the funniest part of it is that ‘I don’t like so much food’.