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Pharm. (Barr) Steve Okoronkwo Shines Bright

Steve Okoronkwo (2)From childhood, Steve Okoronkwo distinguished himself by his stellar academic performances. Some pupils go to school because they happened to find themselves there on the auspices of their parents. Such young people form the crowd, they are mixed majority that was a compulsory part of every collective. But a few young people often emerge and set a standard for themselves. By their academic prowess, they are on a pedestal, far above the rest. They owned the crowd, they became the reference point.

Young Steve Okoronkwo stood very far above his peers by his academic achievements. While in the Prestigious Dennis Memorial Grammar School (DMGS) Onitsha, he formed a habit of winning awards at the end of every session.

This habit trailed his life after secondary school, where upon, he proceeded to the University of Nigeria Nsukka to acquire a degree in Pharmacology. With an Upper Credit Degree in pharmacology, he went on to acquire postgraduate degrees in Pharmacology, while at the same time working in motley of pharmaceutical companies in Lagos and later in America, where he left indelible footprints as a performer and an achiever.

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He was honorably inducted into every relevant body of professional pharmacists, becoming a fellow of the West African Post Graduate College of Pharmacists, fellow of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria, and American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS)

Not satisfied with being a top of the rung pharmacist by global standards, he proceeded to the University of Lagos to read Law and in 2006, he was called to Nigeria Bar Association.

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Pharmacist Barrister Steve Okoronkwo co- founded the Al-Tinez Pharmaceutical LTD, a frontline pharmaceutical company, involved in the procurement and delivery of top notch ethical pharmaceutical products manufactured to global standards in America. Diabetamil, Endix-G Cream, Naturecare and Kotase are some of the quality brands in their stable

Pharm (Barr) Okoronkwo is a recipient of several awards- among which are the Platinum Mentor Award Of the Young Pharmacists Forum (2007), Friendship Award of the Lion Club, LAGOS (2010), Entrepreneurship Award of the Association of Community Pharmacists, Anambra State (2012), Certificate of Merit by the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria, Abia State (2012) and the Distinguished Merit Award by the Nigeria Bar Association, Badagry, Lagos (2013). He is also the Merit Award Winner of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria, Lagos State (2015).

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On Thursday 18th February 2016, Pharmacist Barrister Steve Okoronkwo will be honoured again with an Investiture of Fellow of Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria, to add yet another feather to his glorious cap of recognitions for his sterling contributions to society and professionalism.

As the world stands still for Pharmacist Barrister Steve Okoronkwo, a solid master of two professions, his humility and passion for the future generations is brought to the fore.

Pharmacist Barrister Steve Okoronkwo is married with children.