impresario, Patrick Doyle has eventually opened up on his wife, Ireti
Doyle who reportedly has moved out of her matrimonial home…
“She has with the greatest sense of responsibility been the rock of our family. Without a doubt she is the most generous woman I know, a dependable friend, a loyal ally and the most loving and sensual woman ever.”
“Lately I had been less than worthy of her affection and was deservedly put in the proverbial “dog house”. As usual , she has with compassion taken me out of the “dog house” and reinstated all my rights and privileges as the Lord and Master of the home.”
I know that at the back of her mind, she’s mentally preparing for my next “cock-up. I promise that I will not be an undeserving husband and I believe I am married to the “best woman alive.”
Patrick Doyle wrote this emotional letter to his estranged wife on their 15th wedding anniversary via social media.