Popular actress, Ebube Nwagbo has lamented over the poverty level in the country. The screen diva who recently provided free meals to 200 children and adults from poor background in collaboration with Candlelight Foundation in Lagos said that…
“There are many people in our country today that don’t have anything to eat. They wake up hungry and also go to bed at night with empty stomachs.”
“As a matter of fact, Nigeria has recently been classified as the poorest country in the world. This is very disturbing because it means that there are more hungry people in our society than in any other place in the world.”
“This is not good for our image and that is why we must all come together and support one another, especially those in need and who don’t have food to eat. As a person, I am happiest when I help people in need. I find the sweetest type of fulfilment when I put a smile on people’s faces.”
“I am therefore urging individuals and organisations that have the capacity and resources to also open their hearts to people in need because I know there is blessing in helping the underprivileged.”