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Nancy Isime Denies Crashing Dion Group Boss Marriage

Television host cum actress, Nancy Isime has denied crashing Dion Group Boss, Michael Dion-Goli’s marriage, and having a love affair with him.

The actress took to her Instastories and wrote:

“Nigerian woman with plans to be successful, please add these names to your plans so it doesn’t surprise you when it happens ‘Ashawo, Olosho’.”

“Especially if you decide to be an actress, it’s an automatic naming ceremony if you like, be a Virgin!”

“I knew the breaking news was coming, there’s been too much positive news about me online, not everybody likes that, once your name drives traffic the propaganda begins with or without evidence.”

“But listen, I refuse to be bullied by patriarchy.”

“Like I said, since we cannot sue a faceless account, we at least deserve concrete proof of the allegations laid. Dig it up let’s see, don’t just resort to calling names and try to bully me into silence.”

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