Nollywood actress, Patience Ozokwor, popularly known as Mama G, has lauded the idea behind the book and platform, Most Influential Igbo Personalities, MIIP, authored by Ugochukwu Favour-Mayor. The veteran actress pointed out that the initiative will encourage the young people to conservatively live a life worthy of emulation, as the book will pose as a model for them to make the right choices.
She made this known when the team of MIIP paid her a visit in her country home of Amaobo, Ngwo in Enugu state. MIIP which tends to celebrate Igbo icons described the Enugu born thespian as one of the foremost accomplished actresses ever to be produced under the Africa’s continent, even as her name rings a bell beyond the shores of Nigeria.
“As being one of the foremost actresses, and in appreciation to her utilization of talent positively, the Federal Government of Nigeria under the administration of President Goodluck Jonathan deemed it fit to honour her with the National award honour of Member of the Order of the Federal Republic (MFR).
“Hardwork and dedication always have a commensurate reward no matter how long it may take. That came to be when Mama G got recognized by President Goodluck for the prestigious centenary award. Indeed, she has worked tirelessly since becoming an actress and has garnered loyal support from all over the world,” MIIP noted.