Abuja based Actress, Uduak Akrah is dead. She died on Saturday, August 25, 2018 at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) after sustaining serious injuries from a horrible fall in her bathroom.
According to famous filmmaker, Charles Novia, he said: “I just heard from someone close to Uduak and her family in Abuja. She suffered complications from a nasty fall in the bathroom.”
Sources squealed to us that the actress had been ill from the accident since last Saturday, and was eventually brought to the LUTH where she eventually died.
Uduak Akrah was described as a versatile entertainer both on screen and on stage by her colleagues. She was a graduate of Creative Art from the University of Lagos. She was also an event planner and singer.
The late actress featured in films like; ‘Emotional Crack’, ‘Bafana Bafana’ amongst others.