Entertainment, Society

Harrysong Fights Kcee

harrysong-and-kceeNigerian top musicians, Harrysong (Harrison Tare Okiri) and Kcee (Kingsley Chinweike Okonkwo) are now at war. Warri-born artist, Harrysong confessed recently that he has dumped Five Star Music record label which belongs to Kcee’s elder brother like bad habit:

“What bothers me is not the work, what bothers me is the appreciation… You are helping someone that knows nothing and he’s telling you that he’s helping you. You write a song and the person is telling you that ‘it’s when I sing your song that you blow, if I don’t sing your song you don’t blow’”.

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Those close to the musician disclosed to us that Harrysong has floated his own music label called Alterplate.