
Delta Speaker Lists Ways To Good LG Leadership

Rt. Hon Monday IgbuyaAn insight into the robust and pleasant relationship between the legislature and executive in the state was on Monday given by the Delta State House of Assembly Speaker, Rt. Hon Monday Igbuya.
The speaker in an interactive session with key local government functionaries in Delta State said “the bitterness that has pervaded the passing of state appropriation bills and other bills as experienced in some states has been clearly absent in Delta State”.
“Since the creation of Delta State, the legislature and executive have continued to enjoy a cordial relationship which has translated to the rapid development of the state” he said.
Igbuya who harped on the need to maintain the status quo stressed on the three broad duties of the legislature, which include law making, representation and oversight.
He identified the constitution, character of council chairmen and councilors, the level of socio-economic and political stability in the local government, the disposition of the governor, paucity of funds and outright refusal of council chairmen to disclose the financial strength of the council as sources of conflict in the local government.
“With the dwindling fortune of our economic main stay in the area of revenue, particularly the sharp and ridiculous drop in the price of crude oil, we don’t need a soothsayer to tell us that these are perilous times and there is no better time to develop, maintain and improve upon the cordial relations that has existed and has continued to exist between the legislature and the executive in Delta State”
He urged those in the executive arm to always take into cognizance the yearnings and aspirations of the people. “There should be direct interactions between the Legislature and Executive arms of government, even as each arm operates strictly within its constitutional provisions/boundaries. Sufficient information, consultation and effective communication should exist between the Legislature and the Executive Arms of Government, particularly in the area of government finances and spending, so as to guide against unsettling perceptions and wrong analysis of government programs, especially in the areas of legislative oversight” he advised.
“The Delta State House of Assembly in this short space of time has successfully passed the Delta State Capital Territory Development Agency Law, 2015, Delta State Technical and Vocational Education Board Law, 2015 and Delta State Oil Producing Areas Development Law, 2015 while the Delta State Appropriation (Amendment) Bill, 2015 and the Delta State Contributory Health Commission Bill, 2015 are waiting for assent” he added.
Delta Speaker dedicates Appeal Court victory to God The Speaker, Delta State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon Monday Igbuya on Sunday said that his fortune was a clear testimony to the fact that power belongs to God.
Igbuya who spoke at a special thanksgiving service in Sapele said without God, the efforts of those struggling to get to political offices would be in vain.
He emphasized the hand of God in his political life, saying that God stood for him from the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) primaries in Sapele to his victory at the Court of Appeal, Benin Judicial Division.
Drawing inspiration from the Book of Psalms, Igbuya said “If it had not been the Lord who was on our side, when people rose up against us, then they would have swallowed us up alive” In his words “PDP won the House of Assembly election in Sapele State Constituency of Delta State. It was the toughest and freest election in the history of the area. The Court of Appeal affirmed the decision of the National/ Legislative Houses of Assembly Election Petition Tribunal, Delta State in Petition No. EPT/DT/HA/26/2015 delivered on 7th October 2015” he said.
Igbuya advised his opponents to join him in developing Delta State.
“Some of my political enemies are here. They are members of this church. They wanted me out of the political system. If you are truly destined for greatness, people plotting to stop you are wasting their time. It is time to come together and channel all our resources towards the development of the State” he said.
Igbuya who also advised politicians in the state to shun hatred recalled his vow immediately he became speaker of the Delta State House of Assembly.
“I will do something significant for Bethel Baptist Church should I come out victorious at the Tribunal and the Court of Appeal. I was baptized in this church. I dedicated all my children in this church.
There is a brand new passenger bus outside for the church” the representative of the good people of the Sapele Constituency said.
The Court of Appeal affirmed the decision of the lower tribunal delivered on 7th day of October, 2015.