Ex-Nollywood actress, Caroline Danjuma, nee Ekanem has definitely thrown caution to the wind and now assumes the status of a social crusader. The growing tension and uncertainty that beclouded the political landscape of this country in recent times have left the actress with no choice than to call on Nigerians to vote wisely in the forthcoming elections.
The beautiful mother of two cute boys, who remains one of Nollywood’s most prominent personalities took to her facebook page, to pour her heart out.
She writes: “We need to move forward this time, not empty promises. Do not be deceived by the petty cash they give you to vote for them. If they love you that much, they would create a stress free life for you. Better education, more equipped hospitals with well trained doctors who are paid; security, employment, constant electricity, and your pensions will be accounted for, etc.
Do not fall for their cheap antics of giving you money now, it means nothing to them…We need a president voted by the people, who is also for the people. Nigerians be wise. We need a better country for our growing kids, for our mothers and fathers who gave their all to elevate Nigeria and for yourself who works so hard every day for a better future. When you vote put your future first. May the best man win.
I will vote for the one who will bring discipline to Nigeria, one who will fight corruption without mercy… One who will keep to his words. I am open to try someone else. All I want is a good government.”