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Cancer Is Not A Death Sentence – Dr. Isaac Ayodele

Dr. Isaac Ayodele, Founder of Ayodele Herbals spoke candidly about the cure of cancer at Ayodele Herbals: “We have digitalized herbal medicine, apart from a practitioner of herbal medicine, I have also gone back to school to study. I am now a doctor of Public Health. This education has helped me to widen my scope. As a doctor of Public Health, I have discovered that one of the causes of cancer is toxic. I like to talk about the fact that there is no disease in this world that God has not provided a cure for in herbal medicine and there are herbal plants that can cure cancer.”

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“The present orthodox treatment of cancer is surgery and it is about death cells and living cells and who says in the act of surgery you will be able to identify death cells from living cells? There is also radiation and who can tell in the treatment that you can identify a spot and it will not affect other parts of the patient’s body. That is why from the point of view of orthodox medicine, cancer is a death sentence and any one suffering from cancer should be getting ready to die. How many cancer patients have been cured through orthodox medicine?”

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“Cancer is an illness you can’t handle like headache, it has to go through a process. Now, the question is what is the best way to handle cancer? Have you compared those cancer patients that were treated with orthodox medicine and those who did not take any treatment, how long they lived before they died. Those patients that have gone through surgery, chematorapy and all that seems to die before those who did nothing about it. Which means that herbs can do more because it is not toxic. We all have cancer in our bodies, it is the degree that determines how it threatens our health”.

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“In terms of treatment of cancer, both orthodox and herbal medicines need to come together and work out a way, both can contribute towards the process to cure cancer. I am not against orthodox and alternative medicine. But, I frown at a situation whereby orthodox medicine will have a monopoly of cure for all illness, there seems to be a conspiracy against herbal medicine.”